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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 Laboratory practice. N3/EL1
2 Langenscheidts sprach illustrierte. H33/EL1
3 Language Acquisition. 1048-9223 H/EL1
4 Language Learning. 0023-8333
5 Language and literature. H/EL2
6 Language testing. H/EL3
7 Large scale systems:in information and decision technologies. O29/EL1
8 Laser and optoelektronik O24/EL1
9 Lasers & applications. TN24/EC1
10 Lasers in engineering 0898-1507
11 Le vide,the couches minces.
12 Lecture notes in mathematics 3-540-08130-5 O152/B1*1
13 Library trends. G25/EL1
14 Linear algebra and its applications. O1/EC2
15 Linear integrated circuits D.A.T.A. book. TN4/EL1
16 Londe electrique.
17 language Teaching Research. 1362-1688
18 lasers & optronics. TN24/EL1